Saturday 23 April 2016


 That is why our customer reviews and feedback say we are the best emergency plumbing service in your area. Call now on... Image of the van or the Plumber looking professional Longer description: What they can fix, common problems they resolve, some of the quotes from their customers etc. This has a number of benefits. Firstly, those people who just want a Plumber seo in pakistan  will read the first paragraph, see the image of the van (build authority and professionalism) and call the Plumber. Other people will want more information which they can find further down the page. Is this cheating at SEO? Absolutely NOT. You are providing relevant information to the user and Google will love you for it. How content is structured and written on a page is the "new" SEO. The second benefit is that your website will start to be found for a combination of the words on the page - semantic search - in the example above the Plumber could be found by customers and potential customers looking for "Smith Plumbing","emergency Plumber near me", "Emergency Plumber in Bristol", "Best24 hour emergency...